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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

You eyes are the window to your soul so make them look fab.....

I have always said the the eyes are the window to the soul and some of you have already heard this saying. So with that said eye makeup and application to me is very , very important. The colors you use and what eyeliner work best with the shadow you have on make all the differnce. I have seen eye shadow on some women and it is a complete disaster. So first thing first ladies know what color shadow looks good with your eye color and skintone. Don't be afraid of color learn how to use it to your advantage to make your eyes pop and stand out. If you have brown eyes greens and plums work well as do other colors. If you have blue eyes blue greys and mauves also work will. Once you know what works then you can start looking for eyeliner that complete the look. Also blending is very ,very important never just put your shadow on and think your done and now it time for eyeliner. Blend the color in to each other so they tell a story of color almost. Once this is done then you can go for the liner. Liner is a very personal thing like makeup itself. It's all in what you like some like a pencil will someone else may like liquid. So find what fits you and go for it. Mascara is like the icing on the cake and my favorite one right now is Eyes To Kill from Armani OOOHHH MY GOSH forget New Lash go out and get the mascara it lenghting and builds the lash with out having to put any kind of chemicals near your eyes. It also has staying power ladies so go out and buy this mascara you will love me for it. One important thing I have to stress is never ever have intense eyes and lips you will end up looking like a clown. It should be one or the other intense lips or eyes. So have fun ladies shopping for new eye shadow.